Sorry I haven't been about for a while I've had a pretty stressful few months .... my mum was g rushed into hospital and at the moment we are still waiting on results to see if she needs an operation, so all pretty stressful still.
Then my home PC just stopped working, I've been told by my new IT expert LOL that my hard drive has gone... which is really stressful as I had nothing backed up so I think I have lost everything... I am more upset about the possibility that I have lost all my photos and pictures of my cards I have made for the past 5 years :(
Anyway I haven't felt up to doing much card making as I have spent a lot of my 'spare time' rushing around for others as useal putting others first before myself and I am worn out.
The good news is that I've managed to aquire a lap top which is a start in the right directon I have been lost without a computer at home!
I've had a quiet crafty day today which is the first time I have sat down to make anything in a long while, I've even managed to start my scrapbook off again.... So hopefully my mojo is back for good!!!